Eating a good diet will help keep your heart healthy. Healthy meals should include plenty of fresh vegetables such as dhal, okra (bhindi), as well as chicken or fish such as sardines.
The Prophet (pbuh) taught, "A few morsels of food are enough, for a person to keep his spine upright. But if he must eat more, then the most should be: a third of his stomach for his food, a third for his drink and a third for air."
Foods recommended in the Qur'an include fruit, vegetables, lentils, fish, dates, olives, figs, garlic and ginger
Try using olive oil or rapeseed oil instead of ghee and using wholemeal atta for chappatis.
Having smaller portions on your plate will help you lose weight. Try to have rice or chapattis and not both at the same time.
Islam places great importance on the heart and its wellbeing. The Prophet (pbuh) said: “Truly there is a morsel of flesh within the body, which if it be whole then the whole body will be whole and if it be diseased then the whole body will be diseased, verily this is the heart.â€
The stomach is like a pond – there are outlets in all directions from it. If the stomach is healthy then the rest of the body will be healthy.
The Prophet (pbuh) relished eating dates and preferred a dinner table that was green, where a meal had plenty of salad.
Our recipes have been clearly selected to ensure that they are healthy and low in fat but also taste good. A special thankyou to the The Ismaili Nutrition Centre for providing the recipes. Please do visit their website for more information.
With many thanks to: Elephant Atta, Premier Foods, Azmina Govindji and Media Reach Advertising for the cookery footage.